Tour Rowing
Touring in rowing shells is rapidly increasing in popularity in Europe and North America. It’s a wonderful way to benefit from physical exercise, take in beautiful scenery, and enjoy the company of friends. And ONEC members are spoilt for choice when it comes to scenic waterways.
Un bon nombre des responsables de nos excursions sont bilingues. N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec eux et à participer aux randonnées en français.
For further information, please email our ONEC Rowing Touring committee co-chairs Joan Robertson and Liane Bell. We're happy to answer any questions you may have.

grouP ROws
Thursday Evenings, Friday and Weekend mornings.
Join a Group Row in one of our two Quads or come along in a single or double. We'll head out in different directions each week and explore the Ottawa and Gatineau Rivers and their beautiful Capital region landmarks and natural landscapes.
Pre-requisite: Completion of the ONEC Learn to Row Program.