Join ONEC Rowing for the Concept 2
January Virtual Team Challenge
Concept2 has posted the VTC 2021 on its website so the annual month-long challenge is on again. Ottawa New Edinburgh Club has entered teams since 2006, started by Gillian Williamson. So, this coming year will be the fifteenth anniversary for the club’s participation. COVID-19 has complicated participation because access to rowing machines in gyms and fitness centers will be restricted; nevertheless, four rowers have already indicated their intentions to participate and another rower plans to rent a machine. I am optimistic that we will continue the tradition of the club’s participation. The VTC offers an excellent opportunity to practice and maintain rowing skills in the off-season.

The rules are simple: during the month of January row as much as your personal circumstances permit and enter your distance and time in your Concept 2 log. If you do not have a log, one may be established at log.concept2.com/login. Thereafter, you indicate on the Team page that you want to join the team. Note: the team is listed by its full name not initials. For those with logs you need only go your log, click on Team page and indicate you are signing up for the VTC. Once signed up, please send me an email. If anyone has problems, the HELP line is very obliging. I do request that each participant provide me in confidence with an estimate of the number of meters that s/he expects to achieve, all things being equal. I total those numbers and that becomes the team’s goal which is communicated to all. This process worked well last year and encouraged participants during the final week to extra effort and to surpass the goal. I invite you to join me for this event.
First sign up at Concept 2. Optionally, you can sign up on the ONEC challenge page too. You'll be featured on the ONEC Jan Erg Challenge Leaderboard, and be awarded ONEC's first ever "Challenge Badge"

Need an Erg? You can rent one from right here in Ottawa (John did). They are $150 per month and are being rented by an Ottawa Rowing Club coach.
